Now that the Jessie Hayes Series is over and you all have massive book hangovers...and I have a book hangover times a thousand, what's next?
First, you should know that I cried like a baby when I wrote the end of 945 Cedar Avenue. Not because it was sad, because it wasn't, but because it was so damn touching...and because it was over. To have the whole series come together like that was everything I had worked for, and I love how I left each the characters...but I miss them. They were all so real to me, they had to be, so I could put them out into the world and share them with everyone. Now I feel like I need to limp around without a major part of me, but the beauty of (figuratively) closing one book, is that you get to open another one.
So, get ready to open another book, because I need to fill the hole left by Jessie, Silas, Salinger, Devin & Corey! I'm already hard at work on my next book, which might surprise you because it will be a little darker. More on that later.....